Post-secondary and higher education: meeting the demand


The role and status of forced migrant teachers in education in emergencies

Author: Jonathan Penson
Access to education as a human right is confirmed by a number of declarations and conventions. The 1990 Jomtien World Conference…

Fragile and conflict-affected  education systems 

Author: Claire Schouten
Donor support to social accountability in fragile and conflict affected states is a relatively new phenomenon. It has emerged…

The UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Education

Author: Florence Mugoya Malinga, Audrey Kettaneh, Chris Castle and Scott Pulizz
Substantial progress has been made in the last decade as new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths have fallen to the lowest levels since the peak of the epidemic…

Putting youth at the heart of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts

Author: Raj K Mishra
According to the 2011 UNAIDS Global Report on HIV/AIDS, about 5million young men and women were living with HIV as of December 2010. The encouraging news, however, is…

Widespread and participatory learning about health

Author: Ian Pringle
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to help governments and organisations expand the scale, quality…

A sense of belonging: what makes health workers want to practise rurally?

Author: Christopher Roberts
In the face of significant medical workforce shortages in rural areas (or rather, a relative maldistribution between city and country), countries with…

 Education in the community

Author:  Nigel Clark
We need to consider new ways of reducing our communities’ dependence on fossil fuels and make them more resilient in the face of a gradually…

CMGE: a lighthouse for multi-grade teaching in Africa

Author: Jurie Joubert
Multi-grade teaching is found in education systems all over the world but particularly in poor, rural areas of developing countries. The Centre for Multigrade Education……

OER for Open Schools initiative

Author:  Frances J Ferreira 
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recently concluded a multiyear, Pan-Commonwealth initiative that aims to meet the growing global demand for secondary education…