Université Technologique Bel Campus

Faculty Deans at a graduation ceremony are from left to right Professors Kabasele, Emomo, and Ntonda

Faculty Deans at a graduation ceremony are from left to right Professors Kabasele, Emomo, and Ntonda

A school of excellence in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The University of Technology Bel Campus (UTBC) is a non-profit, private institution situated in the vibrant capital city, Kinshasa. It was inaugurated in March 1997 and approved by Presidential Decree No. 06/0106 of 12 June 2006.

There are five faculties, namely Medicine, Law, Economics and Management, Computer Science, and Social, Political and Administrative Sciences. The Faculties of Motor Sciences, in which human movement and sport disciplines are studied and taught, and that of Agriculture, Forestry and the Environment are in the pipeline to open in 2017.

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UTBC became an official centre for TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) in 2012. A new language lab will be introduced, providing an indispensable service to all students who wish to gain a thorough knowledge of English.

 ‘Our goal is to create an academic community of excellence to better serve the youth of tomorrow. Key projects are already underway including, the construction of a university medical centre and a sports centre, the integration of student housing and agronomy laboratories and the expansion of our academic libraries.’ — Mr Leopold Bossekota W’atshia, Chairman of the Board

Quick facts

  • More than 3,600 students
  • 202 teachers and researchers
  • More than 3,000 students enrol each year
  • Of the 3500 graduates, 46 per cent were female students

Click here to see the organisation of the University

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The Medical School was proclaimed the best in the country. Between 2003 and 2014 1,355 doctors graduated from UTBC and are now working in hospitals around the world