Inclusive education and human rights


Promoting equality with life-changing learning for disadvantaged groups

Author: Gautam Patel and Devika Devaiah
In countries with extreme inequalities of money and power, the disadvantaged have few opportunities and little chance of living a full life…

Paying attention to pupils’ speech, language and communication needs

Author: Victoria Joffe
Communication is a fundamental life skill and is the primary vehicle through which we express our needs, interact and connect with others…

“We are what we read”:  respect for self and others

Author: John A Pittar
It is often said, “we are what we eat”, but what we feed our minds is equally as important…

Making inclusive education a reality  for children of the world with disabilities

Author: Richard Rieser
The implementation of the basic right to education for people with disabilities presents a major challenge. This was highlighted by the…

Promoting the educational inclusion of children with albinism in sub-Saharan Africa

Author: Patricia Lund and Paul Lynch
Children with the inherited condition albinism look very different from their dark-skinned peers in Africa…

Sightsavers and education

Author: Guy Le Fanu
Sightsavers is an international organisation working with partners in 34 low-income countries across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean to eliminate avoidable blindness…

Addressing violence against children in schools in the United Republic of Tanzania

Author:  Rachel Pounds and Martha Hewison 
Following on from the United Nations Secretary-General’s World Report on Violence against Children (Pinheiro, 2006), the United Republic of Tanzania became…